The object of this class action is to obtain reimbursement of the amounts paid by members of the Group in administrative costs and in excess monthly rental costs during any the duration of their vehicle rental agreement with the defendants.
All natural and / or legal persons who, since 23 November 2018, have paid the defendants monthly administration fees relating to their rental vehicle, in addition to excess rental charges
Damages (compensation) requested
Reimbursement of all monthly administration fees invoiced during the rental period and which were not indicated in the rental agreement;
Reimbursement of all interest charges invoiced in excess and which were not indicated in the contract;
Reimbursement of taxes (GST and QST) paid on these amounts;
Punitive and exemplary damages up to $ 1000 per member
To register for this collective action, we invite you to complete the Registration form .
Registration is not a mandatory condition to be part of the collective action. However, it allows us to communicate with the members of the group and keep them informed of important developments in the case. Also, registration allows us to better establish the case against the defendants.
For any additional information, please contact:
Me Francis Thibault-Ménard by email at or 514 336-2769 ext 206